about me

I’m Reiko, an Intuitive professional Reiki Advanced Master practitioner and Prana Healer. I was born into this life gifted to heal; I've been practicing this form of energy healing since 2018 in Texas, USA. I practice USUI Reiki and other energy healing modalities in The Netherlands and the US.

I’ve shared divine love and healing energy with others without fully understanding or knowing the process as a child and young adult. I kept this secret from family and friends as I could not articulate the events which occurred, so, I rejected the facts and feelings; and denied giving explanations. I later discovered my connection to the divine. With time, I saw and felt the comfort created through energy for those who received my exchanges. Each person had amazing life-changing results and felt the Divine energy, which released fears, removed pain, and allowed the beauty of life to be seen. 

In 2018 I realized that using Reiki was an entry point to healing for me and my clients. I learned to control my energy, which protects myself and others. Through Reiki and other energetic modalities, I can fulfill my life's purpose of helping and creating space for those who are open to receiving this beautiful and enchanting blessing. I feel deeply grateful for this unique gift and abilities.

My life's lessons have been filled with gratitude and patience, and I discovered the space of love within myself that allowed me to create my happiness and find my internal love, light, and joy.

Happy Healing!